Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 5 - TGIF!

As I'm writing this rain is pelting away at my cabin.... we are in the middle of a massive wind and rain storm here - and the city seems in a panic! They're not used to getting this much precipitation, and really, it's NOT fun.... it was only 9 degrees here today and it was 11 in Ottawa!!!  My pool class was in the pouring rain and only 3 of us went... no one's very happy, and I doubt we'll be hiking tomorrow as the trails get too muddy. Which means we may have to spend 2 1/2 hours in the gym - big yuck. I'm just hoping it helps lull me to sleep! 

Luckily, the rain held off until just after our hike today. My group hiked the Zuma Ridge.... a 2.7 mile hike STRAIGHT UP a mountain on a fire road and our elevation gain was approximately 1200 feet. Took about an hour and then we got to hike back down the same way... which ironically I find almost harder!! Hurts the muscles and the feet more.

The rest of the day was spent doing the usual.... class, lunch and then 3 more classes. Everyone was feeling tired today and glad it's Friday! Tomorrow we have hike or gym in the morning and then the afternoon off - phew!!

Tomorrow will be a bit sad as I'll be saying goodbye to a bunch of people I've really enjoyed eating with and working out with. And then about 50 people are arriving on Sunday... should be fun to see all the newbies all nervous and excited - seems a lot longer than a week that I was feeling that way!

A few pics from my hike today below....



  1. Wow you are really amazing. You must feel such a sense of accomplishment when you reached the top. Our other head office is in California and when it would think it is armageddon ;)

    I am glad you take the time to blog each day. I am sure you will meet some new buddies on Sunday and they friend you make will be around for quite sometime.

    Hope you enjoy your afternoon off! xoxo

    Hope Marius is enjoying single fatherhood. I bet he and the kids are missing you, but what a great experience for him to get closer to the kids.


  2. HA! only three made it to class and you were one of them - my strong willed friend, you clearly rock! i could see from the pics that your hair was blowing like crazy! good on you, you did it AGAIN! not surprising - hoping you are giving yourself the credit you deserve! wow, must be hard to let go of friendships but i bet my list making friend is gathering addresses that will be a list of friendships you will have for life :-) 2.7 miles, straight up - holy crap, that's awesome!!! you are working so hard, what will you do on saturday with your time off?????


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