Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A day in the life.....

Wondering what I'll be doing way down there in sunny Malibu? Well, I won't be lying around getting a tan, I tell ya!

This is what I've gleaned from other blogs to be a typical day:

6am  -  stretch and core strengthening
7am  -  breakfast
8am  -  leave for hike
11     -  back from hike and into a stretch class
noon -  lunch
1pm  - 1st week lecture (weeks 2-4 it will be a cardio class, or perhaps a rest/nap!)
2:30  -  pool class
3:30  -  circuit/interval training
4:30  -  pool class (yes, again!) or a cardio class
5:30  -  dinner
6:15  - 1st week lecture (weeks 2-4, time to relax)
8:30  -  bed!

Sounds exhausting, right?! But I bet it will be hard to be think I'm not capable or not strong enough after accomplishing all that in one day :)

They try to mix up the torture, so there are lots of different classes offered, from kickboxing to step to zumba (dance) to kettlebells – a variety of methods to reduce us to a sweaty hot mess – how nice of them!

You only have about 10-15 minutes between classes to change... our cabins are right there by the pool and gym so there isn't a long walk, but I definitely won't have a lot of free time during the day.

Saturday there is a hike in the morning and then you're free to do whatever you want in the afternoon (some people workout, but you can leave to go sightseeing or see a movie or shop, etc....) and then a graduation in the evening for the people leaving the next day.

Sunday is a day of rest (phew!) with guests leaving and new guests arriving.

My blog posts, emails, phone calls etc will be mostly done in the evening, which works well with the 3-hour time difference. The first week, things might be a bit scarce and brief here in blogland as I'm thinking I may be choosing crying into my pillow sleep over communication with the outside world :)

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